Thursday 12 February 2015

Natural Products For Weight Loss

Do you want to loose weight quickly, healthy and permanently? Weight loss depends on many factors but we can give you some pointers how to reach desired goal easier.

We see excessive weight as an aesthetic problem, but it is far more dangerous for our health. It puts additional strain on our body systems; it harms our heart, lungs and kidneys, it increases risk of diabetes and edema.

Change unhealthy habits

Foundation for healthy and natural weight loss is to change unhealthy habits and embrace healthy ones. Problem of many overweight people is that they skip breakfast and then over eat in afternoon and evening. For the mornings, find time to prepare and eat healthy, good and moderate meals, starting with breakfast.

Cut down or completely avoid refined oils and fats, sugars, salt, alcohol and white flour products. Avoid them with healthy alternatives such as cold pressed oils, healthy sweeteners such as stevia and whole-grain products. Eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables and drink fresh natural juices, herbal teas and water. Walk at least 30 minutes daily. Find type of exercise that suits you best.

What natural products can promote weight loss?


Acai berry is ingredient of many weight loss products. It is rich in potassium, copper, magnesium, B-complex vitamines, vitamines C, A, D and E, fibres, healthyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids and phytosterols. Acai berry minimizes appetite, improve digestion and increase energy level. It is used as juice, powder and dry berries.


GarciniaCambogia Extract (hydroxycitrate - HC) decreases appetite and body is satisfied with smaller amounts of food. It prevents the process of transformation of carbs into fats and improves bowel movement. Recommended dosage is 500-1000 mg before every meal three times daily.

Raspberry ketones

Raspberry ketones control glucose in blood and help prevent obesity and diabetes. It increases metabolism of fat, decrease fat layers and prevent diseases related to obesity. Research has shown that people who consumed food with high percentage of fat along with raspberry ketones, still didn't put on weight. It is best to take 100 mg before breakfast and lunch.

Saffron extract

Saffron extract is effective for appetite decrease, especially if you are overeating for emotional reasons. Simply put, it speeds up appetite satisfaction decreasing stress hormones and improving emotional health. It promotes serotonin production and this is the hormone for happiness.

Recommended dosage is 90 mg two times a day.

Slimming Tea products

Yellow tea is No1 for weight loss, because it promotes fat burn-out even without a diet. It contains diet enzyme EGCG that helps fat cell burn-out and provides energy for digestion. For better result you should drink it regularly over longer periods of time, 3 to 4 cups a day.

Green Tea Extract contains catehins that promote weight loss but also positively affect entire health.

Other Weight Loss Tea options

  • Oolong Tea

it effectively decreases fat layers and promotes weight loss

  • White tea

it prevents fat layer deposits and dissolves existing ones

  • Hibiscus

promotes carbohydrates burn-out
  • Lotus leaf

Prevents accumulation of triglycerides in fat tissue and improves dissolving of fat layers

Adding natural supplements to your regular diet shouldn't be a replacement for an adequate nutritious lifestyle with exercise. More info at:

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Green tea is most often a choice besides water when people choose what to drink during the day. Positive effects of green tea are that it gives you more energy, refreshes and improves mental abilities, and these are the reasons why it is so popular for almost five hundred years. Unique ingredients such as L-teanine and green tea polyphenol are subject of scientific research due to its useful qualities. Research also investigate anti-carcinogenic effect of polyphenol antioxidants of green tea. Studies have shown there is significantly smaller percentage of upper digestive tract cancer in countries where green tea is traditionally used on a daily basis.

Green Tea Extract is particularly interesting because it promotes use of energy from fat (termogenesis) and its subsequent dissolving. Green Tea Extract is very useful for slimming diets, because it promotes the burn-out of calories.


This Slimming Tea acts in a way that it increases the level of energy (equivalent to half hour of running), decreases fat absorption, mobilizes fat layers, speeds up metabolism and decreases risk of development of chronic illnesses that so often happen when people become overweight. It is important that you stay persistent in use of this Weight Loss Tea, because it takes about 4 weeks to see first results of this slimming program and this is not that much when you consider that you are losing weight effectively, that you have more energy, and all this without a need to diet and jeopardize your health. Green tea extract is rich in vitamins and minerals so your health will only experience benefits from its regular use.
What are direct Green Tea Benefits?
  • it decreases fat absorption by direct  inhibition of lipase
  • it promotes toxins release that is particularly benefit to fight cellulite and loose skin
  • it increases energy; it equals half hour of running
  • it is effective detox method- it increases level of antioxidants in your body
  • it positively affects the condition of your skin, hair and nails
  • it neutralizes risk factors such as cholesterol, insulin levels, omocisteine, etc.
Green tea contains elements known as catechins, includingepigallocatechingallate (EGCG), major catechin that is in charge of thermogenic effect of green tea. Although green tea also contains caffeine, positive effect that assures burn-out of fat cells, primarily is related to ECGC-this catechin inhibits enzyme that divides norepinephrine, neurotransmitter that has a role in regulation of substance exchange and fat burn-out.

slim tea

Green tea also has other positive effects to human health that have been mentioned above.

Effective dosage

Although it is good to drink green tea itself, in order to fully experience its amazing slimming effects, you should use about 500 mg of green tea extract three times a day, before a meal. Independent studies have showed that green tea extract is effective in smaller dosage, because the human body better absorbs catechins from green tea extract than from green tea.
With 1000-1500 mg of green tea extract you will experience amazing positive effects both on your figure and on your overall health condition. Natures Slim Tea has added this extract to our Mint Oolong tea and our Pu erh peach tea. More info about Weight Loss Tea visit: